So a lots changed since the last TM post. For one Team Marginal is now spread across the world traveling, working, schooling, and generally just getting life figured out. For myself I am now sitting in a cyber cafe in Pucon Chile with a few of my students. I now currently work at World Class Kayak Academy as the head coach, math & physics teachers. This fine school has been around for almost ten years now and has bred some of the best kayakers in the game right now from Tyler Bradt, Rush Sturges, and Evan Garcia. I truly feel priviledge to be a part of this school.
From here in Pucon we are going to head to el Rio Fuy and then over to Argentina and on to the Futalaefu, one of the most beautiful runs in the world. I'll keep this one short and give you guys a little taste of the WCKA lifestyle with some sweet pictures from our travels across the globe!
WCKA at Skookumchuck in British Columbia
Not part of WCKA, but its purty
The crew on the Apurimac in Peru. It was a sick five day multiday with a High School. Now those are some lil' shredders!
Hucker Erik Johnson giving 'er on Gorilla. Good day on the Green. Thanks for showing us down Shane and Adriane!
Erik getting beat down on the Apurimac. This rapid was called "Purgatory" and it was an incredible place to be able to make some strokes.
Capo dropping into the gorge on the Urubamba. This is the river that flows beneath Machu Picchu and is a super quality classic Andean run.
First Decent on the Rio Urubamba. The potential for epic whitewater in Peru is crazy. You could spend a full month just doing self-supporters.
Some of the boys heading to the put-in of the Cotehausi, a five day river trip in the deepest canyon in the world. Needless to say it was a incredible adventure!
The boss man Scott Doherty firing up a big one on the Cotehausi.
Hudson Moe giving 'er the juice on the Cotehausi. This run kept the pace up with sick unique drops around every corner. Truly a World Class mission.
Scott "The Man" Doherty taking some time for the little ones after an epic descent of the Cotehausi.
Outdoor Leadership class takes in the view in the Chilean Andes. Today's lesson: "If your heart speaks, take good notes"
Eric Parker stylin' the first drop of Siete Tazas.
Brian Jamieson looking good on the goods of the Palguin. Watch out for that cave!So there you have it. The adventures continue, and I'll try to post up here a little more regularly. Next we head to Rio Fuy and then off to the always bonito Rio Futaelefu. Ciao Compadres!
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